On-Pole is a specialist consultancy focused on developing and maintaining high performance. Working with senior management teams and key personnel, we blend extensive industry experience with best practice from the Military and Elite Sports to create dynamic learning and developmental environments.
Our consultants have consistently delivered tangible benefits to clients in the form of value improvements, increased outputs and improved ways of working on business-critical programmes.
Our experience encompasses business strategy, strategic procurement with particular emphasis on Partnering and Alliancing, business process improvement, performance management, change management and organisational development in both the public and private sectors. In addition, we are noted for our highly-successful individual and team coaching interventions as well as facilitation skills.
We have developed and implemented innovative strategic and project-related partnering programs using the PPC and TPC standard forms of contract, in both the affordable housing and railway infrastructure sectors, and have also designed and implemented new processes for Risk Management and Value Management for large project teams working in safety and quality-critical environments.